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Anti-aging Secrets: Foods for your Face

Monday, July 27, 2009

Foods for your Face

A trip to the grocery store can be stressful on some people. Eating foods that taste great but are also healthy for you can become difficult to find. Sometimes our taste buds don't agree with what our body needs. However, there are some foods that are not only good for you, but they taste great and they can also help with your appearance. Next time you are out, add a couple of these foods to your grocery list.
Dermatologist Eva Shanban says that strawberries, or any bright red fruit, are healthy for your skin. Strawberries have plenty of antioxidants and skin tightening properties. If you mix the strawberries with yogurt, you can apply this mask to your face for about 20 minutes. Yogurt contains alpha-hydroxy acids that smooth the skin. Yogurt is also filled with bacteria that is good for the skin. Optomologist Sandy Feldman says that lean, red meat is essential for good eye health. Spinach and carrots are also good for the eyes because they are packed with vitamins. Limitations should be placed on how much alcohol you consume because alcohol can damage the nerve of your eyes and cause permanent damage. Cosmetic dentist Dr. Perusch Madahi says that drinking a glass of OJ once a day can help with your gum health. Do you remember those strawberries? He also says that strawberries can help whiten your teeth because the fiber helps to remove the stains.
So instead of going to the grocery store with an unorganized list of foods that you are craving, try to substitute some of these healthy snacks in for some of the unhealthy ones. Pretty soon you won't think twice about what kind of yummy snacks you want to purchase!

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